Our team counts itself safe, but our hearts are completely devastated. Our home and beloved store was destroyed during the horrific and historical flooding of Hurricane Helene.

The scar left across our hills is like nothing this area has ever experienced, yet despite the pain and anguish at its severity, our community and many outside of it, have rallied to hold and heal like nothing else we have witnessed.

Western North Carolina will heal and grow more brightly than before. Where destruction lies now, will one day again grow wild flowers. We are MOUNTAIN STRONG, we are fearless and indomitable, stubborn and overflowing with breathtaking generosity. We are a force greater than the water that tried washing us away -- our roots only dig in deeper, despite the destruction around us. Recovery is now the plan, and for so many, it will be a harder fight than the storm itself...


We are working diligently to get you more information on your consignment items. We will be in touch with you over the next few weeks. Please keep an eye on your email and use your consignor access to view your current items. We appreciate your patience as we navigate through this new reality.